Martin Goodnough shares words of encouragement with one of 费什伯恩’s football team players.

(540) 946-7700 ext. 110


Administration Building


Major Martin Goodnough

Academic Counselor

I value hard work, but not just for hard work’s sake. If a student is driven to be successful in anything, I want to support it full-heartedly. I consider myself more a facilitator than simply a teacher. If a student is driven towards a vocation, I want to help support that drive in any way I can. Speaking as a 费什伯恩 graduate, this school has provided me a platform to facilitate my success, now I’m just returning the favor.

费什伯恩 allows students to be themselves 和 celebrate their individuality. 学员 don’t care about each other’s backgrounds or other superficialities that people try to self-identify with. 学员 give credence to those who are genuine 和 those who contribute to the 费什伯恩 culture rather than stray away from it.

My best advice for any student attending 费什伯恩 is to be themselves 和 not be afraid to embrace challenges. No one ever got stronger lifting the same amount of weight every day. Also, preparedness is key to everything. As 费什伯恩 legend Colonel Wease once wrote, “Success is when preparation meets opportunity.”


I have a Bachelor of Arts in Art from Virginia Intermont College 和 a Bachelor of Arts in 英语 from Emory & 亨利学院.


My favorite film is “Point Break.” If you don’t like “Point Break,” you either haven’t seen the film or you’re lying to yourself. How could you not like a film with Patrick Swayze as the anti-hero? 顺便说一下, if you want a critical analysis of that film, I’m always available to hold you hostage for a several-hour lecture on the topic. 

If I had to pick a favorite album, it would have to be R.E.M.“s”杂音.” It was my first album as a kid 和 every time I listen to it as I get older, it has a different meaning to me, mostly because you can’t underst和 what Michael Stipe is saying.

On the sports side, I am a die-hard Mets fan. 每年9月, I get to watch the Mets limp into last place or flirt with the possibility of a postseason, just to lose in a blaze of embarrassment 和 ridicule. But hey, ya gotta believe!

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